Before you leave for a trip ideas.....

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Traveling seems to be more of a hassle than it used to be and I have found it is better to be safe than sorry. Along with all the planning of what you're going to do and where you're going to stay, consider this checklist to make you feel more comfortable while you're away from home. 


 ♦  Ask a trusted friend to pick up your mail, newspaper and keep yard picked up to avoid an appearance of not being at home.

 ♦  Stop your mail  (USPS Hold Mail Service)  and your newspaper. They will hold your mail safely at the post office.

 ♦  Flying? If you start early you can arrange to shorten your time at the airport with a pre-check (airport travel pre-check)   There are different charges depending upon domestic or international travel.  Visit the site mentioned for more information and what to bring as far as identification.  This takes some time to accomplish, best to start very early to reap the benefits.

 ♦  Don't post about your trip on Facebook and other social media until you return; some burglars look for this type of announcement to    schedule their activities.

♦  Do notify police or neighborhood watch - especially if you're going to be gone for more than just a few days. Let your monitoring        service know when you'll be gone and if someone will be checking on your home for you.

♦  Light timers make it look like someone is home. Set multiple timers for various times to better simulate someone at home. There are plug-in modules for lights and appliances that would allow you to control them from your phone while your out of town.

♦  Do unplug certain appliances - TV, computers, toaster ovens that use electricity even when they're off and to protect them from            power surges.

♦  Don't hide a key; burglars know exactly where to look for your key and it only takes them a moment to check under the mat, above the door, in the flower pot or in a fake rock.

These easy-to-handle suggestions may protect your belongings while you're gone while adding a level of serenity to your trip.